Urbanherbal TamaleTamales are a delectable entree that are particularly tasty during the winter months. In our Tamales class, we taught students how to cook four different tamales, one of which was a dessert tamale.

Tamales may sound intimidating, but with a positive mind set, they can actually be quite fun to make. You can use our green chili tamale recipe to have a fun, unique dinner-time experience with the ones you love.

Green Chili Tamales Recipe

Boil a whole chicken seasoned with salt, pepper and 4 cloves of garlic, minced.

Let the chicken cool, after cooking and shred the meat and set aside. Set the chicken stock aside.

Grill 12 green chilies until translucent. Let cool. Then peel the black part off the chilies and set aside.

Put a few handfuls of corn husks in a sink with water and let soak.

Prepare the masa:

  • 2 cups of Instant Corn Masa Mix
  • 2 cups of chicken stock
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup lard
  • 1 small can of minced green chilies

Mix the corn masa mix, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Add the chicken stock and mix thoroughly. Add the lard and the small can of minced green chilies and mix until the mixture becomes slightly sticky.

Take a corn husk from the water, lay on the work surface, put a small amount of masa on the husk, top with the few shreds of chicken, then a couple of slices of white Mexican Cheese, then a few thin slices of the grilled green chilies. Roll the corn husk tightly on both ends and fold top and bottom. Wrap in a small piece of foil.

Lay in a large pot with a space in the bottom for water and steam for 45 minutes. Be sure to keep adding water to the pot, but not too much. You do not want the tamales to get wet or on the other hand get burned. You garnish them with, hot sauce, sour cream, cilantro, melted cheese, salsa. The options are endless!

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