Blog and Recipes, herbs, Mexican Mint Marigold, Mexican Oregano, quinoa, Sopa de Quinua con Carne, soup

Quinoa Soup/Sopa de Quinua con carne

Quinoa Soup with Herbs, Veggies & Pork

Quinoa is a flowering plant in the amaranth family. It is an herbaceous annual plant grown as a crop primarily for its edible seeds; the seeds are rich in protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, and dietary minerals in amounts greater than in many grains.  Quinoa is gluten-free, high in protein and one of the few plant foods that contain sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids.

This soup is flavorful and good for you. The recipe is an Ecuadorian version.

1 cup Quinoa

8 cups cold water

1 lb. of pork that has been seasoned and diced. (I like to season it with crushed garlic, URBANherbal’s Spicy Mexican Savory Salt, Cumin and Black Pepper.)

2 Tbls. Mexcian Mint Marigold (minced)

1 Tbls. Mexican Oregano(minced)

1 onion, diced and sautéed 

1 lb. of potatoes, cut into chunks

1 cup of cabbage (chopped) 

2 cups of chicken broth

1 packet of Sazón Goya

A few dashes of Salsa de Ají (pepper sauce from Ecuador)

2 Tbls. Unsalted butter

After sautéing the onions, and cooking the pork, it is time to start the soup. In a large pot with lid, add the chicken broth, water and begin to boil it. Add the butter, then the onions and potatoes, and cook until the potatoes are tender. Then add the quinoa, then the pork, and cabbage. Reduce to a simmer. Add the packet of Sazón Goya and a little salt and pepper. Then add the minced Mexican Mint Marigold and Mexican Oregano.  Simmer about 30 more minutes. Serve. *note can substitute chicken instead of pork.

 William Varney

Blog and Recipes

Oma’s Chicken Noodle Soup

This recipe is from our book, Herbs Growing and Using the Plants of Romance Ironwood Press Bill Varney

It was given to us years ago from Carol Luckenbach, who helped to manage our greenhouse, and was Carol’s culinary gift to our Farm.

1  – 2 pound fryer chicken

1 – large potato, peeled and diced

2  – tablespoons salt ( we love using our URBANherbal savory salts)

1/2 half cup rice, uncooked

1/2 medium white onion, chopped

1 tablespoon fresh Italian parsley, chopped

1 tablespoon fresh oregano, minced

3 stalks celery, chopped

1 tablespoon fresh basil, minced

3 large carrots, diced

4 ounces fine egg noodles, uncooked

Place chicken in a large stock pot and fill with water. Add salt and bring to a boil. Add chicken and gently simmer for 1 hour – until chicken is cooked and meat begins to fall off the bones. Remove chicken from the broth and save for another use. Strain broth. Return broth to the pot and add the onion, celery, and carrots, potato and rice. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 15 minutes. Sprinkle in the parsley, oregano and basil and continue simmering for 15 more minutes. Stir in the noodles and cook for about 5 minutes or until the noodles are soft. Serve, piping hot with bread. Just perfect for a cold, Winter’s day. The chicken meat is perfect for making chicken salad.

Esta receta es de nuestro libro Herbs Growing and Using the Plants of Romance Ironwood Press.   Bill Varney

Nos fue dada hace años cuando Carol Luckenbach ayudaba a administrar nuestro invernadero, que regalo culinario tan valioso que dio a nuestra Granja.

1 - 2 libras de pollo para freír

1 - Patata grande, pelada y cortada en cubitos.

2 - cucharadas de sal (os recomendamos nuestras sales URBANherbal)

1/2 taza de arroz, sin cocer

1/2 cebolla blanca mediana, picada

1 cucharada de perejil italiano fresco, picado

1 cucharada de orégano fresco, picado

3 tallos de apio picado

1 cucharada de albahaca fresca, picada

3 zanahorias grandes, cortadas en cubitos

Fideos de huevo finos de 4 onzas, sin cocer

Coloque el pollo en una olla grande y rellene con agua. Añadir la sal y dejar hervir. Agregue elpollo y cocine a fuego lento durante 1 hora, hasta que el pollo esté cocido y la carne comience a desprenderse de los huesos. Retire el pollo del caldo y guárdelo para otro uso. Caldo de cepa Regrese el caldo a la olla y agregue la cebolla, el apio y las zanahorias, la papa y el arroz. Deje hervir, luego cocine a fuego lento durante 15 minutos. Espolvoree en el perejil, el orégano y la albahaca y continúe a fuego lento durante 15 minutos más. Agregue los fideos y cocine por unos 5 minutos o hasta que los fideos estén suaves. Servir, bien caliente con pan. Simplemente perfecto para un resfriado, el día de invierno. La carne de pollo es perfecta para hacer ensalada de pollo.

Oma’s Chicken Noodle Soup