Blog and Recipes

Three Keys to Surviving a Texas Summer

Rose Petal Ice Cream

It’s tough to stay cool in the summer. This is doubly true if you’re in Texas, where temperatures often run over triple digits every day of the week. Here in Fredericksburg, we have a few tricks to survive the heat.

Firstly, you’re going to need water and lots of it. Staying hydrated is the most important decision you can make when gardening in the heat. Dehydration is real and its dangerous. Please, drink water regularly while you are tending your gardens.

Second, Fredericksburg is known for its homegrown peaches. They are delicious and refreshing. If you are planning to come to Fredericksburg this summer, it’s a no brainer to get a batch of peaches. They’re not hard to find with many peach stands lined along the highways of US 290 and US 87.

Finally, we have been cooking up a batches of our phenomenal Rose Petal Champagne ice cream. Unlike the peaches, this is something you can get wherever you are. It’s a dessert that we’ve been making for years, and it’s extremely light and refreshing.

Rose PetalsRose Petal Champagne Ice Cream Recipe.


  • 1 cup firmly packed fresh, organic red rose petals
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 4 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 6 egg whites, beaten until medium peaks form
  • 6 egg yolks, beaten
  • 6 cups of whole milk
  • 1 tablespoon URBANherbal rose flower water
  • 2 cups of dry Champagne


In a mini food processor mince the rose petals with one cup of the sugar. Set aside. Whip the heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks form.

In a heavy-bottomed, 4-quart saucepan over medium heat, combine the whipped cream, the crushed rose petals, and all remaining ingredients, except the Champagne, whisking together well.

Cook to 170  degrees, while continually stirring. Let cool down in an ice water bath, stirring often, then stir in the champagne.

Freeze in a commercial ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s directions.

Freeze for at least 4 hours to firm up the texture before serving.  Serve with a couple of organic rose petals.